ITB / Service Portfolio / Flow analysis / Simulation of turbomachinery

Simulation of turbomachinery

Pumps, compressors and fans as well as turbines are complex machines. Flow simulations provide a detailed insight into the flow conditions of the machines. Local phenomena and entire perfomence maps can be investigated to verify or optimize a design. The results can be further processed with a structural mechanics calculation (fluid-structure interaction).


We perform flow simulation of rotating machines in the following fields of application:

  • Simulation of pumps as well as (water / liquid) turbines
  • Simulation of compressors and fans as well as (air / gas) turbines
  • Map calculation of the above mentioned machine types
  • Transient simulations of the operating characteristics
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Geometry optimization

Abschlussarbeiten zum Thema “Thermische Berechnung”:

  • Schulze Spüntrup, H.
    Untersuchung der Rissspitzenbeanspruchung an Gehäusekomponenten von Turbinen unter vorwiegend thermischer Belastung mit Hilfe der FE-Methode, 2014

Eine Übersicht über die in unserem Unternehmen angefertigten Abschlussarbeiten finden Sie hier (PDF).