Component optimisation allows competitive advantages to be achieved through higher component quality, while simultaneously keeping production and maintenance costs as low as possible. Based on our experience and through engineering approaches, we already regularly submit proposals for the optimisation of components during our project handling. Where components or assemblies are highly complex, there are also systematic optimisation methods available. In addition to the basic proposals for component optimisation, we perform systematic optimisations for the following questions for our customers:
- Topology optimisation for the optimal component shape
- Parametric optimization of individual components or component groups
Topology optimisation for the optimal component shape
Within the framework of an automated iterative FE calculation, component shapes can be optimised e.g. in terms of reducing weight or increasing rigidity. It is possible to define numerous secondary conditions, such as ease of demoulding. A side-effect of this method is that it can produce entirely new ideas for product design.
Parameter optimisation of individual components and component groups
Where the basic shape of the components has already been determined, parameter optimisation with parameterised calculation models is advisable. In contrast to topology optimisation, where subsequent verification calculations are still necessary, the results of a parameter optimisation can be verified directly.
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A static calculation gives a good overview about the possibilities of the optimisation
Minimum weight and still permitted. A strength verification for optimized components.