Strength verification

You have to provide a verification to your customer or you are the part owner / product owner and responsible for the development and optimization of the product in your company? Due to our extensive experience, we are your reliable partner for component verification.

The component verification is one of our core competencies and thus the creation of strength verification based on FEM structural calculations. Our range of services includes the following component verifications:

  • Static strength verification
  • Verification of fatigue strength
  • Fracture mechanics verification
  • Serviceability limit state


We create the component verification for the base material as well as for connection elements such as screws, rivets or welded connections and consider elastic, viscoelastic or plastic material behavior depending on the requirements and customer wishes. Basically, we show you the optimization potential of your components, which becomes visible through the FEM structure calculation.

The static strength verification includes the static evaluation of the influence of operational loads or accident loads on components and component groups. This is usually performed in the ultimate limit state, considering conservative load assumptions.

The verification of the fatigue strength includes the evaluation of the influence of recurring operational loads on components and component groups. In addition to the actual load, the number of load cycles that occur is also decisive.

The fracture mechanics verification offers the possibility of evaluating defects or damage that has occurred in components to determine whether they are acceptable for the component under its stress and whether further operation is possible without risk.

In the proof of the serviceability limit state, e.g. deformations that occur due to the use of components are examined.


Due to our many years of professional experience, and over 2850 projects handled, we have performed strength verifications in compliance with a wide range of standards and regulatory frameworks for various industries.

You are welcome to get an overview of some reference projects here.


We use commercial software for verification, such as the following calculation tools:

  • WIAM fatigue RIFEST


Depending on the requirements, documentation of the calculation results is provided in the form of a verificable calculation report in German and English or in the form of a short documentation. In discussion with you, we present the results that are important to you clear and understandable.